OriHeim robot might offer a possible solution for virtual learning or at least inspires us...

Educational leaders around the world are looking for ways to continue education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Robots like Oriheim might offer some possible solutions.
Let me write this ahead of time that this is not an inexpensive solution. OriHime costs about $9,000 annually or $200 per month for each student. However, for some students, it might just be what they need. This is especially so for the students who will not be able to come to school even after the schools reopen their campuses due to their health conditions.
It is straightforward to use OriHime. Through a tablet, phone, or desktop, students can control Orihime to see everything in a class by controlling OriHime's camera in any direction, interact with classmates and teachers using their microphone and speaker, and even raise a hand to ask a question. I believe that even if we do not use OriHime, it can inspire us to find other possible solutions to continue online learning during this pandemic.
Here is how the producers of Orihime described their product:
Your new body that you can easily control remotely. That’s what OriHime is. You can control OriHime from your smartphones or tablets from anywhere in the world to see, hear, talk and express yourself through OriHime, and it is designed for everyone including those without an experience of using Internet or applications.
OriHime’s face is inspired by a mask from traditional Japanese theatre show called “Noh”, which is a seemingly expressionless mask that is made to reflect any expressions from joy to sadness by interacting with people’s imagination. Surprisingly, although OriHime looks expressionless like a Noh mask, it is its face that allows them to see the controller’s face through it. All of the features are meant to create an experience that everyone, from the controller to people who were involved in the communication, feel like they have spent their precious times together.
Our mission is to provide a time for you to get together with your loved ones, and ultimately to resolve problems caused by “loneliness” created by distances in the world.
Even if you are hospitalised, if you place OriHime on your desk at school, you can talk with your friends, attend classes and study from your hospital room. You won’t be left behind anymore, and you won’t be left out from the memories that your friends had shared.
To learn more about OriHime, please visit http://ces15.orylab.com.